One line subverts
another: a beach becomes
a log becomes
a kitchen. The poem
builds the kitchen. Swan dive.
A man in a hot tub
riding a motorcycle, holding
a bottle of Old Spice, reading.
The logic of the commercial
is a similar logic to many contemporary American poems today, such as this Heather Christle poem. Compare.
(Look at the Heather Christle poem. Now back to me. Now back to the Heather Christle poem.)
In this case, the Old Spice Man is a forest.
Objects (and setting) swirl and mutate around
it; meaningless and meaningful and intelligible; instinctive;
neural-pathway-forming (and diverting). What is
the core of the poem? Where does the poem stand?
What does it stand for? Where does it move? What about the advertisement?
Is the ad an ad for Old Spice or for masculinity?
Is it a joke on masculinity? Does it work?
Is it a poem?
Similarly, is Christle's poem a joke on culture, or on nature?
A joke on deforesters, or tree-huggers? On me? You?
Is it an advertisement? (Do you want new windows, reader?)
Or do you want to be clean? (I make phone calls for a candidate
who refuses corporate donations over the weekend,
and am advised not to refer to the other, leading candidate;
even a mention of his name increases his chances
of victory.) What are we putting in circulation?
What new pathways do we want to create?
Every poem, and advertisement
answers this, whether it wants to or not.
This seems to be a problem, for poetry.
Still, it can enter the battle in the middle of the fray
or build up new networks from the margins
or build up new networks from the margins of the middle of the fray.
Poetry can divert us from pathways,
change pathways to take us
onto other pathways. "Verse": meaning
the turn
at the end of the row
when plowing. (Might this agricultural remnant
signal a direction for our attention?) Link
to link to link.
Consider what I find
when googling "Old Spice Man" and "poetry".
This cannot help but send me spiraling into 200 other video responses
(are these poems?), not to mention Greg Oden's blog
(these?) and now I'm back to Kanye's tweets,
which certainly play with my expectations.
(Or have I lost you out there, and are you now already spiraling?)
1. There's a layer of... Entertainment... we are entertainers and this is only TV... not the War 9:25 AM Sep 4th via web
2. There's a layer of... hey Kanye said what I was thinking 9:23 AM Sep 4th via web
3. A year later where do we stand? 9:22 AM Sep 4th via web
4. WHO BENEFITED FOR REAL PEOPLE???!!!!!!!! 9:21 AM Sep 4th via web
5. Walk with me people... let's break this down for real now. I might get in trouble again lol? 9:20 AM Sep 4th via web
6. MTV? JAY LENO? BEYONCE? ALL FORMS OF MEDIA? TAYLOR? KANYE WEST? Who gained? Who lost? 9:19 AM Sep 4th via web
7. You've got the Media play... Who benefitted off of the moment? 9:16 AM Sep 4th via web
I do not expect this, from a celebrity!
(I expect a celebrity; that is why I go online and surf through junk
and poetry...) The amount, and directness
and style of the tweets is unexpected! Kanye West
is a poet?
He speaks truths. (Not truth to power,
but power away from untruth?)
Conclusion: our celebrities are our poets?
They have our attention and direct
or redirect it daily.
If there are poems, today, they are an advertisement, spoken by a celebrity, away from untruth. They are the rerouting
of power and of untruth; the plowing and replowing of pathways...
(Not row to row, but link to link to link...)
“Hello, ladies. Look at your poem, now back to me, now back at your poem, now back to me. Sadly, it isn’t me, but if it stopped sounding like a poem and switched to me, it could smell like it’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the poem your poem could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your poem smells like South Africa. I’m on a horse.”
What cruel, twisted creek would our great moral writers of the past find us up!
(In their time, too, atrocity was all around them, and yet they wrote and wrote and wrote.)
What paddles would they have to give us?
What if it wasn't cruel?
I take my paddle from Kanye;
He manufactures paddles daily with his throat.
His fingers fiddle away at pathways;
I wish to be a jumbo paddle up his throat.
Workers fiddle away at pathways;
I am a culture worker whose hook is in my throat.
The great moral writers of the past might sense our situation;
they would be of our situation, utterly, and sense
how to correctly intervene
in time.
IX. A Klee painting named ‘Angelus Novus’ shows an angel looking as though he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how one pictures the angel of history. His face is turned toward the past. Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage and hurls it in front of his feet. The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed. But a storm is blowing in from Paradise; it has got caught in his wings with such a violence that the angel can no longer close them. The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress. (Walter Benjamin)
1. There's a layer of... Entertainment... we are entertainers and this is only TV... not the War 9:25 AM Sep 4th via web
2. There's a layer of... hey Kanye said what I was thinking 9:23 AM Sep 4th via web
3. A year later where do we stand? 9:22 AM Sep 4th via web
4. WHO BENEFITED FOR REAL PEOPLE???!!!!!!!! 9:21 AM Sep 4th via web
Should we use Old Spice Body Wash?
You tell me.
I can only see behind us.

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